Have Faith. Have Hope. Live Like His Son. Help Others On Their Way. Be Consistent. Please, No Empty Chairs.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

June 1, 2011

But I do not joy in my own success alone, but my joy is more full because of the success of my brethren, who have been up to the land of Nephi.

-Alma 29:14

Dear Family and Friends,

It's been a couple of weeks since we got back from Spain, and I still can't stop thinking about it.  The trip of a lifetime!  I felt like I was in a dream.  We saw so many miracles.  My heart has been so full to see how lives and hearts are still changed and changing there!  My joy is even more full to know that these individuals and families that I helped teach, baptize, reactivate, etc. are now righteous examples for others to follow.  Words can't describe what it means to me to have been able to visit my mission with my wonderful husband and incredible parents.  It was a huge blessing to step foot upon Spain soil again and see the faces of so many angels who were just as happy to see me!  I LOVED my mission, and the memories from this trip are just as much of a treasure.  As the plane took off to come back to Utah.....tears streamed down my cheeks.  My heart ached.  I felt like I was leaving my home!  My mission helped me discover who I really am.  It awakened my soul to a clear understanding of this life and my eternal purpose.  I will ALWAYS be grateful that I made the choice to serve a mission.  And I will ALWAYS be grateful for the heavenly help that accompanied me as I gave everyday my all.  This trip rejuvenated my soul!!  My loving Heavenly Father and my dear Savior Jesus Christ opened up the windows of heaven and gave me another clear glimpse and a big reminder of Their love.  THEY ARE REAL!  THEY LIVE!  THEY ARE EVER MINDFUL OF US AND OUR NEEDS!  I know this with ALL of my heart!

QUESTIONS OF THE WEEK:  Do you know that They love you?  In what ways do you feel of Their love?

MIRACLE OF THE WEEK:  This just may as well be one of the best summers of our lives!!  First Spain.....and NOW Ecuador.  Yesterday, Matt and I bought our plane tickets to visit Ecuador in August.  I can hardly wait!  We plan to spend about 10 days volunteering with a humanitarian group, and the rest of the days we will be visiting Matt's mission.  Life is so wonderful!  I'm so excited!  It's now my sweet husband's turn to see all his familiar angel faces and partake of the miracles that are still alive from his service as a missionary.  I feel so grateful that we get to do this together!

Have Faith. Have Hope. Live Like His Son. Help Others On Their Way.
Be Consistent. Please, No Empty Chairs.
Hermana Naegle

1 comment:

  1. I'm SO excited for you guys to go to Ecuador! Did I know you were doing this? We didn't even talk about it on Saturday! Haha, you guys are so smart to do this together NOW, before kids and school get in the way! Things like this make you SO much closer as a couple. I'm SO EXCITED for you guys!!!
